「聖書」ってどんな本? クリスチャンでない人には知られていない聖書。聖書由来の日本語。聖書の歴史や成り立ちを、イエス・キリストについて、みなみななみの独特なスタイルで描く。
著者・訳者など:みなみ ななみ
The Bible is This Kind of Book
(Seishotte Konna Hon)
Written and illustrated by Nanami Minami
Full-color 20-page booklet illustrating what the Bible is and its message of Christ and salvation. Includes common sayings and proverbs that originated in the Bible, timeline of the story of the Bible, kinds of literature, writers, how it was preserved and handed down, impact on the world and famous people, the main theme of Jesus who died for our sin and rose again to give us eternal life. It closes with key verses: Matthew 7:12; 11:28; John 3:16; 14:27; 1John 4:10-11. Each booklet is 120 yen+ tax.