なぜ君は笑顔でいられたの? 福本峻平 神と人とに愛されたその生涯
なぜ君は笑顔でいられたの? 福本峻平 神と人とに愛されたその生涯
目次 はじめに 序章 第一章 負けず嫌いの少年 第二章 難病の発症 第三章 バプテスマ 第四章 淵野辺にて 第五章 声なき声 第六章 大空へ 第七章 ハレルヤ おわりに
「福本峻平さんの本」制作委員会 編
Why Were You Able to Smile?
(Naze Kimi wa Egao de Iraretano?)
Shunpei Fukumoto
Shunpei Fukumoto’s lifetime of being loved by God and people. “I am so glad you were born.” After Fukumoto’s death at age 33 from a serious congenital neurological disease, several authors write about him, his faith in God and his influence on them. In every situation, even after losing his voice, he continued to testify to God’s grace and the hope he had in Christ. Teachers, doctors and nurses are among those his testimony impacted greatly. Forest Books. “4-6” size, 244 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04397-3 \1,600+